Photo of Katie Lentz on light blue field with collage elements

Photo of Katie Lentz

Director of Donor Relations, Thompson Foundation for Autism and Neurodevelopment

PHTM ’16


Katie Lentz is helping reshape the conversation around autism as the Director of Donor Relations for the Thompson Foundation for Autism and Neurodevelopment.

“Connecting families affected by autism with resources and allowing our generous donors to see the impact of their gifts has been a joy,” expressed Lentz. “I have the privilege of engaging with those interested in the Foundation to create a lasting impact on so many lives.”

Lentz knew early on in her undergraduate studies that she wanted a career that centered on helping others. As a student, she participated in Newcomb Institute’s Big/Little Program, Town Mom Program, and the Newcomb Mentoring Program, for which she also became a mentor as an alumna. Currently, Lentz serves as the Vice President for Students on the Newcomb Alumnae Association Board of Directors.

“This experience has allowed me to develop new skills and take on leadership roles that have given me an advantage in my career,” said Lentz. “I enjoy connecting with other alumnae over our shared love of Newcomb. Plus, I love having an excuse to visit New Orleans and our beautiful campus—there’s nothing better!”

Looking to the future, Lentz hopes to continue her pursuit of creating a better world for others, whether that be advocating for women, achieving greater access to healthcare, or alleviating poverty in her community.