We appreciate the financial support of alumnae, parents, and friends. We proudly announce the donors to Newcomb Institute, including those that have made gifts to the Newcomb Alumnae Association, during the 2021-2022 fiscal year. Thank you for your support. The Newcomb monies benefit today’s Newcomb Institute programs, just as they benefited students who attended Newcomb College. Funds functioning as endowment and true endowments support the Newcomb Institute. The Newcomb Foundation Board ensures that the Newcomb Institute spends that money wisely. Named endowments support a variety of other activities, including lecture series, research grants, and the Newcomb Archives.
* = Deceased (This information is accurate to the best of our knowledge as of July 31, 2022.)
Catherine Adami and Jeven Adami
Amie Adams
Nira Agrawal
Laura Albert and Justin Albert
Anissa Allbritton and J. Allbritton
Vanann Allen
Sabina Altman
Matthew Anderson
Bethlehem Andrews
Kara Angelini
Elsa Angrist
Lory Arnold and Jacob Bryan
Gina Arons and Ronald Siegel
Nancy Aronson and Virginia Besthoff
Teresa Auch and Michael Auch
Tara Auclair
Jessica Baff and David Baff
Rebecca Baker
Françoise Le Gall and Jeffrey Balkind
Jessica Barnes-Nielsen
Victoria Barry
Lynn Barton and David Barton
Adelaide Basco
Amy Bashiti and Samer Bashiti
Laura Bates and John Bates
Diane Baum and John Baum
Emily Baum and Joshua Burke
Nina Baumgartner
Kathy Baxter and Johnny Baxter
Elaine Baylor
Cynthia Beaird and W. Beaird
Joanna Bean
Alyssa Beard
Alison Bedell
Meredith Beers
Elizabeth Bellino and Peter Towns
Christine Bellino and Thomas Bellino
Joan Benjamin
Jennifer Berne
Mayah Bernstein
Lisette Betancourt
Constance Birabent
Bernadette Birzer
Laurie Block
Rita Bloom and Herschel Bloom
* Harriett Bobo
Robin Boch
Lucile Bodenheimer and James Holiday
Rebecca Boothby
Susan Borrelli
Mary Bostick
Lori Boswell and William Boswell
Margaretta Bourgeois and Lionel Bourgeois
Sharon Bourgeois and St Paul Bourgeois
Benedicte Boutrouille
Eleanore Boyse and Matthew Boyse
Jeanne Breckinridge and Lex Breckinridge
Lindsay Brice
Barbara Bridges
Deborah Britt and Corbett Britt
Kathleen Britton and John Britton
Helen Brooks and R. Brooks
Julia Broussard and Daniel Thompson
Gregory Brousse
Paula Brown
Sarah Brown
Katherine Brucker
Stephanie Buckwalter
Elizabeth Bui and Jeffrey Martin
Barbara Burgess
Jessica Burt
Denise Butler
Bridget Cabibi
Nancy Cadwallader
Gisele Calderon
Elizabeth Carmody and John Carmody
Michelle Cash and Warren Cash
Susan Cator and David Cator
Jane Cease
Phillippa Chadd
Mariya Chadovich
Bonnie Chapman and William Chapman
Charles Chauvin
Beth Chauvin
Hamilton Chauvin
Mary Chauvin and Bradley Carleton
Chun-Chih Chiu and I-Ping Chiu
Chelsea Cipriano and Taylor Conrad
Holly Clement and Stephen Clement
Jane Cody and Murray Simpson
Adele Cohen
Vicky Cole and Stephen Cole
Susan Cook and Clayton Cook
Charlotte Cooksey
Heather Corbett
Linda Costopulos
Amber Countis and Andrew Countis
Rachel Couper and Eric Couper
Kaye Courington
Kerianna Courtney
Alice Couvillon and Robert Couvillon
Sarah Covert and Seth Knudsen
Mary Cox
Aimee Crago
Lisa Cristal and Bruce Cybul
Alexandra Cudney
Mildred Currie and William Basco
Ann Curtis
Rebecca Curtis and Philip Curtis
Barbara Cusachs
Clare Daniel
James Daniel
Jennifer Daniel and Sara Slaughter
Andrea Daniels and Michael Daniels
Brianne Darragh
Frank Daspit
Ilene Davidson
Barbara Mollere and Louis Davis
Perrin Davis and Jake Davis
Rebecca Joslin-Davis and Reginald Davis
Frances Day and Richard Day
Hannah Dean
Stacy DePizzo
Mary Dickson and Brooke Dickson
Barbara Dickson and Sandler Dickson
Clare Dimaunahan and Scott Mendenhall
Etta Dimitry and Richard Dimitry
Katie Dochen
Emily Doliner
Joan Donovan and Robert Donovan
Annette Doskey
Clare Doyle
Elizabeth Duplantier
Marian Durfey and Allan Durfey
Elizabeth Dwyer
Lauren Eckert and Gregory Eckert
Catherine Edwards and David Edwards
Nancy Ehlers and Glenn Ehlers
Annette Ehrhorn
Paula Eichenbrenner
Lauren Elkin and Matthew Jasie
Carolee Elliott and Stephen Elliott
Caroline Elliott
Amy Enchelmeyer and Collin Warren
Donna Esteves and Richard Esteves
Stacie Goeddel and Michael Etheridge
Abigail Ex
Merri Ex and Mitchell Ex
Nina Ex
Kathryn Facchiano
Ann Farmer and Thomas Farmer
Alexander Fast
Martha Fazio and Steven Fazio
Laura Felt and Robert Felt
Joshua Fertitta
Briah Fischer
Debra Fischman
Jill Fisher and Geoffrey Fisher
Jennifer Fitting
Camille Fitzsimmons
Carter Flemming and Michael Flemming
Chrissy Foderick
Ann Owens and Robin Forman
Regan Forrester and William Forrester
Sarah Fraker Jensen
Leslie Franklin and Steven Franklin
Misty Frederick
Linn Freedman and Steven Freedman
Nell Frewin-Hays
Amanda Fuselier
Lauren Gaines
Emily Galik
Brian Gamble and Henry Harbin
Gloria Gargiulo Pedrelli and Adriano Pedrelli
Mary Garrard
Amy Gatzemeyer and Garrett Gatzmeyer
Lisa Gellman and Bruce Gellman
Preeya Genz and Daniel Genz
Dana Gerard and Quin Gerard
Elizabeth Gerhart and Stephen Gerhart
Mary Edith Germeau
Elizabeth Gilmartin and J.J. Gilmartin
Rebecca Gipson
Nancy Goedecke
Jacqueline Gold and Melvin Gold
Claudia Goleburn
Donna Golub and Seth Golub
Monique Goodwin
Sheila Gorey
Shelley Gorson and Alan Salpeter
Abbey Graf and Jason Graf
Jennifer Grant and Jeffrey Grant
Lori Grayson and John Grayson
Emily Greenfield and Aaron Viles
Jane Grimshaw
Patricia Gruenberg and Alan Gruenberg
Madeleine Grynsztejn and Thomas Shapiro
Kathryn Gsell
Nicolette Guillou
Hannah Hale
Amanda Hallauer and Todd Hallauer
Allyson Halperin
Marilyn Hamly
Beth Hammerman and Neil Hammerman
Priscilla Handy
Sharon Funk and Joshua Hanna
Laurel Hanson
Amanda Hardy
Gwen Harley and George Harley
Shanna Harper
Alexandra Harrington and Michael Harrington
Ann Harris
Ina Hart
Jessica Hart
Cynthia Harter and John Harter
Elizabeth Hartzog
Nan Heard and Paul Krogstad
Susan Hecht and Richard Hecht
Ashley Hedemann and Stephen Hedemann
Rosaria Heide and Rudolph Heide
Tyler Helm
Jean Hendrickson and R. Hendrickson
Jane Henning
Julie Henriquez Aldana and Mynor Aldana
Kathleen Henry
Margaret Herman
Sarah Herman
Vicki Herman and Mark Herman
Martha Higgins and Christopher Higgins
Rich Higgins
Daphne Hill
Gayle Hill and Robert Hill
Christy Himel
Mary Beth Hines and Douglas Hines
Nancy Hoffman and Phillip Hoffman
Paula Hoffman
Jennifer Hollenbach and Andrew Hollenbach
Emily Holm and Theodore Holm
Reva Holmes and Michael Holmes
Paige Holtgreve
Francine Horwich
Jacquelyne Howard and David Howard
Emma Hurler
Patricia Hurley and Kim Hill
Andrea Huseman and Jeffrey Huseman
Tanya Isaac
Daniel Jablonski
Augusta Jacobs and Benjamin Jacobs
Andrea Jeanfreau and Robert Jeanfreau
Jean Jew
Greg Johnston
Emily Jones
Halena Jones
Marsha Jones and Albert Jones
Sarah Jones
Anne Joseph and Alfred Joseph
Ricki Kanter and Joel Kanter
Laura Kanter
Susan Kantrow and Byron Kantrow
Robin Kaplan and Abram Kronsberg
Veronica Kastrin
Angela Keesee
Susan Keith and Samuel Keith
Esther Kelly and Francis Kelly
Rebecca Kelly
Jessica Kennedy
Ann Keogh
Ann Kerr
Jeila Kershaw
Pamela Key
Diana Khajautia-Bharucha
Suzanne Kinney and David Kinney
Lucinda Kittrell and Scott Kittrell
Samantha Klein Melrose and Mike Melrose
Sara Klingaman
Stephanie Knopp
Mary Kock
Molli Kuenstner
Kirsten Kuhlmann
Barbara Kurshan
Katherine Kusner and Michael Kusner
Jacklyn Lane
Judi Lapinsohn
Andrea Lapsley and Robert Lapsley
Constance Larimer
Mary Leban
Blaine Legum-Levenson
Carla Lentz and Edward Lentz
Elizabeth Lentz
Katie Lentz
Malachi Lentz
Mary Ann Leo
Lisa Lettau
Andrea Leverentz
Michele Levy and Melvyn Levy
Fergie Lewis and Patrick Lewis
Sharan Lieberman and Jordan Karlitz
Barbara Lief
Barbara Livingston and Milton Livingston
Nia Lizanna
Joyce Lobrano and Francis Lobrano
Leann Logsdon
Norma Lombard
Christi Longlois
Geneva Longlois-Marney
Elizabeth Lopez
Corie Louie
Kathryn Lovejoy
Thomas Lynch
Joel Lynn
Allyson Mackay
Carolyn Mahady
Amanda Mahnke
Anna Mahoney and Patrick Mahoney
S. Mahorner
Virginia Maietta
Sarah Mallonee
Denise Malone and Thomas Malone
Julie Mandell and Robert Mandell
Barbara Mansberg
Diane Marcus
Helen Marsh
Leo Marsh
Marianne Marshall
Suzanne Martin and Terry Martin
Mariana Martinez and Adam Martinez
Sean Marx
Glenn May
Robyn Mazur and Joseph Penachio
Rebecca McClain
Sonia McCormick
Mary Helen McCoy and Stephen McCoy
Anne McCulloch and Edgar McCulloch
Judy McEnany and Michael McEnany
Elizabeth McGehee
Anne McGlynn-Wright
Elizabeth McHugh and Patrick McHugh
Barbara McInturff
Meredith McInturff
Jean McKinley
Suzanne McMullen
Sandra McNamee and Douglas McNamee
Claire McVadon and M. McVadon
Patricia Meadows and William Meadows
Alida Melancon and Charles Melancon
Sharon Melville and Nornam Bridges
Melissa Mendoza and Charlotte Green
Zo Mendozi
Suzanne Mercer and John Mercer
Mary Meredith and Paul Ronan
Katharine Ross-Merrell and James Merrell
Kimiko Meyers and Charles Meyers
Elaine Miller and Aaron Stambler
Jennifer Mills
Priscilla Mims
Lara Mintz and Clifford Mintz
Marilyn Mislove and Michael Mislove
Patricia Mitchell
Marie Monroe and James Monroe
Kathryn Montgomery
Dominique Moore
Ashley Moran and Kevin Moran
Anne Morse and James Morse
Debbie Mulvenna and Carlo Mulvenna
Leslie Nahs
Jossy Nebenzahl
Alison Nelson and David Nelson
Elizabeth Nelson and David Kelley
Tina Nguyen
Jewelynn Nice
Katherine Nichols
Lisa Norris
Marianne O’Carroll
Colleen O’Donnell
Anneke Olson
Judith Olson and Leonard Olson
Dorie Osisek and Damian Osisek
Andrea Otero
Statira Overstreet and W. Rich
Rachelle Parker and Nathan Parker
Sybil Patten
Lani Paxton and William Paxton
Gale Payne and John Payne
Ryan Pearce
Marilyn Pecsok
Sofia Pendley and Shane Pendley
Amelia Pepper
Katherine Peres
Clara Perry and Michael Schwartz
Jessalyn Peters
Barbara Peterson
Patricia Pfeffer and Gerald Pfeffer
Deirdre Phillips
Roxane Pickens and Daniel Dickinson
Paula Picker and Joel Picker
Marjorie Pinsker and Clive Pinsker
Suzanne Plaisance and Autrey Plaisance
Inell Potter
Paula Powers and Bernard Powers
Rebecca Powers
Andrea Price and Todd Price
Evelyn Prince and Julian Prince
Terryl Propper
Laura Purswell and Michal Purswell
Julie Qiu
Ann Queen and Richard Shivar
Linda Quick
Maureen Quinn
Sarah Quintano
Annette Rau and Jack Rau
Chloe Raub and Daniel Shedd
Dana Ray
Kathryn Ray and David Ray
Shirley Reddoch and Gregg Petersen
Laura Kreller and Christopher Reeves
Pamela Reuter and Merrill Reuter
Jill Reynolds
Lisa Rice and Thomas Thompson
Andrea Richardson and Christopher Richardson
Anne-Marie Richeme-Zweidler and Daniel Zweidler
Catherine Richman
Gracibel Rickerfor
Ederlaida Ritter and Ryan Ritter
Amanda Roberts and Sean Roberts
Shelley Roberts and Jeffrey Roberts
Joey Rodriguez
Joan Rogers
Kathryn Roman and James Roman
Sonja Romanowski
Erin Rusonis
Sharon Russell
Kathryn Rydberg
Emma Saltzberg
Caroline Sampson
Marcelo Sanchez
Ruth Sang
Teresa Santa Coloma and Lynn Pyke
Aracelly Santana
Carolyn Saunders
Sally Savage and Stephen Savage
Sallie Scanlan
Susan Schaefer
Lauren Lee Schewel and Abraham Schewel
Theresa Schieber and Ray Rybak
Susan Schippert
Will Schippert
Dorothy Schmit and Paul Schmit
Ellen Schneidau and Marc Schneidau
Helen Schneidau
Jacqueline Schornstein
Rhonda Schornstein and Michael Schornstein
Alexa Schwartz
Sandra Segel
Jennifer Seibert and Nicholas Seibert
Samantha Seigman and Peter Seigman
Jennifer Sekerka
Karen Seltzer and Steven Seltzer
Carly Shaffer
Dorcas Domenico and George Shaffer
Susan Shaffer
Susan Shafton
Michelle Sharp and Jeremy Sharp
Maude Sharp
Ashley Sheed
Brittney Sheena
Erin Sheena
Michelle Sheena
Helene Sheena and Ronnie Sheena
Christina Le-Short and Aaron Short
Aaron Siegal
Marion Siegman
Dee Silverthorn and Andrew Silverthorn
Jane Simmons
Jennifer Simoneaux and Robert Simoneaux
Michael Simons
Tracey Sirles
Cynthia Skaalen and Peter Skaalen
Aidan Smith and Patrick Sullivan
Alexis Smith
Caitlin Smith
Carol Smith
Charlene Smith
Cynthia Smith
Janis Smythe and Anthony Smythe
Marcia Spielberger
Luther Stacy
Judith Steinberg
Melissa Striner and Jerome Steiner
Rosina Stephenson and Robert Stephenson
Karie Stern and Eric Peterson
Rachel Stickney
Jean Stickney and Robert Stickney
Susan Stine
Mary Stinson
Carol Stivrins and Timothy Stivrins
Elizabeth Stocks
Carolyn Stolz
Susan Strachan
G. Stricklin and Stephen Nichols
Kathleen Sukenik and Greg Sukenik
Raleigh Susskind
Marleen Swerdlow
Donna Taylor
Rebecca Teeter
Tammy Thaggert
Sarah Therriault and Russell Therriault
Donnalyn Thomas and Herman Thomas
Patrice Thomas
Brenda Thompson
Kathleen Timmins
Alisa Toney
Alice Torrey and William Torrey
Elena Toulios and Christopher Oliver
Priscilla Traficanti and Bryan Traficanti
Betsie Tremant
Nicholas Tringali
Susan Tucker
Sandra Turkel and Richard Turkel
Christine Turner
Jennifer Turner
John Turner
Patricia Turner
Patricia Uchello and Carlo Uchello
Dolores Valtierra
Laura Van de Planque and Michael Van de Planque
Michelle Van Wyk
L. Janice VandenBrink and Randy VandenBrink
Marcia VanderVoort and Thomas VanderVoort
Isabelle Varlan
D. Veta and Mary Dutton
Patricia Vorhoff and Gilbert Vorhoff
Robbert Vorhoff
Elizabeth Waldman and Todd Waldman
Kathy Walker and Jeffrey Walker
M. Walker
Leigh Anne Wall
Teresa Warkentin and Jonathan Warkentin
Joan Watkins
Maria Watson
Susan Wedlan and Harold Rosen
Kathy Weil
Karen Weinberg and Daniel Weinberg
Sue Robin Weinhauer and Robert Weinhauer
Laura Weinkle
Riki Weinstein and Daniel Morrison
Patricia Weiss
Martha Wells and Max Wells
Lauren Wethers
Bridget Wicklander
Chloe Wicks
Nancy Wiener
Joan Wilcox and Charles Wilcox
Sandra Willen and Jon Willen
Priscilla Wilson
Marianne Wilt and Richard Wilt
Carol Wise
Judilyn Wise and Michael Wise
Nancy Wogan
Laura Wolford and Daniel Sharp
Tara Wolman and Steven Wolman
Penny Wyatt
Heather Yanak and James Phelan
Jeanette Yanak and Charles Yanak
Kyle Yanak
Suzanne Yayman and Sergio Rodriguez-Beristain
Nicolette Yianilos and John Carey
Sarah Yousha
McKenzie Ziegler
Paula Zielonka and Carl Zielonka
Ilene Zier
Ronna Zoll and Steven Zoll
Linda Zoller and Michael Zoller
Corporations and Foundations
American Endowment Foundation
Beaird Development, Inc.
Betancourt Stuttering Center
Birmingham Jewish Foundation
Blue Grass Community Foundation
Chicago Community Foundation
Commonwealth Charitable Fund
Deloitte Foundation
Deloitte LLP
Collins C. Diboll Private Foundation
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Gargiulo Periodontics SC
Jewish Community Foundation of San Diego
JPMorgan Chase
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
K.W. Parking, LLC
Kahn Education Foundation
Nebenzahl-Spitz Foundation
Out of the Box Foundation
Renaissance Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Sap Concur
Schwab Charitable Fund
The Greater New Orleans Foundation
U. S. Charitable Gift Trust
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
M.B. and Edna Zale Foundation