Beverly Blumberg Erdreich


Beverly Erdreich in her studio in Birmingham, circa 2000.

Beverly Erdreich in her studio in Birmingham, circa 2000.

Name: Beverly Blumberg Erdreich

Education (+Grad year, major): 1961, Bachelor of Arts, Art History

Family: Married Stanley M. Erdreich in 1961, with whom she has two children. Her daughter Elizabeth Erdreich White graduated from Newcomb in 1985.

 Based in: Birmingham, Alabama

Job Title: Multi-media artist

 Description: Always a creative at heart, artist Beverly Blumberg Erdreich found direction and focus through her art history education at Newcomb College. Read her Q&A with StyleBlueprint on abstract painting, how she instilled an appreciation for art in her children, and her love of travel.

 Favorite Newcomb Memory:  “My four years at Newcomb were as close to idyllic as any college experience could be. The offerings of academics, campus life, social life and the opportunity to make close and lasting friends was a perfect mix. To enjoy all of this in the beauty of New Orleans made it all even more irreplaceable.”

“Things Come Together” by Beverly Erdreich

“Save the Last Dance” by Beverly Erdreich

Beverly Erdreich (far right) at her gallery show in Birmingham with Newcomb friends (L to R) Cecile Felsenthal Prager, Phyllis Alexander Kaplan, and Peggy Marks Mussafer.